NuScale has had a similar cost-sharing arrangement since 2016 and now the company hopes to commercialize its technology by 2030 at a prospective site in Idaho. Joel Keller ( @joelkeller . How did he come to dominate a fiercely competitive industry so thoroughly that the US government sued Microsoft under antitrust statutes? Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates primarily focuses on the subjects evolution as a curious individual. See production, box office & company info, Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things, Connected: The Hidden Science of Everything. Inside Bills Brain often feels more superficial than it actually is because it switches topics so freely. Then Covid-19 happened. "Nuclear is ideal for dealing with climate change," Gates says in his letter, "because it is the only carbon-free, scalable energy source thats available 24 hours a day." But that really shouldnt be surprising to anyone familiar with Guggenheims other documentaries. WELL, JENNIFER GRANHOLM: Nuclear oversight board reported concerns months before Y-12 uranium fire. . However, Evans was killedduringa mountain climbing accident before the project was completed. The visual quality was indeed great, it looked very real on the big screen, although there was some historical footage, which was so blurry you couldnt recognize faces (but it was very rare). Bill Gates Nuclear Company Stops Construction, Defying Physics By Pulling Energy Out a Vacuum, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. For weeks, the world watched as radioactive material was spreading throughout the region. Also, his sisters share their childhood memories. 4 Steps To Install Solar Panel Roof with Signature Electric, 3. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.Connect with Netflix Online:Visit Netflix WEBSITE: Netflix Kids on FACEBOOK: Netflix on FACEBOOK: Netflix on TWITTER: Netflix on INSTAGRAM: Netflix on TUMBLR: Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates | Official Trailer | Netflix Q.V. Second, it is fascinating to watch how a brilliant brain works. This includes the development of a novel travelling-wave nuclear power reactor, under development by TerraPower, a nuclear reactor design company founded by Gates. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. 2023 TerraPower, LLC. He hasn't changed his mind on the sciencehe puts his blame on the Trump Administration's bitter relationship with China. Image courtesy of Netflix, 5 Ways to Make Your House Greener Without Working At It, Charger savings: Nema 14-50 vs. Tesla HPWC. In 1975, Gates and Allen co-founded Microsoft, and both men later become household names in pop culture. And there's only water to cool it if there's power. ", Later, the director says that "According to NASA, the CO2 that's being piped into the air right now can linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.". He's based out of Brooklyn. The documentaryspotlights Melinda the philanthropist and her complete re-structure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with her investment in female entrepreneurs. However, despite the setbacks, Bill Gates continues with his work. Despite the negative public image of nuclear energy, if you compare the number of people who've died from nuclear disasters versus traditional fossil fuels, like coal plants, it's a very safe . In his year-end letter for 2018, Gates notes that "we had hoped to build a pilot project in China, but recent policy changes here in the U.S. have made that unlikely.". At numerous points, Inside Bill's Brain brings its subject face to face with painful memories, including the deaths of Mary Gates, Paul Allen, and childhood friend Kent Evans. well all of what was covered here, especially the nuclear power episode. The documentary This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The documentary series "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" talks about the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 in which operators of the power plant lost control of their nuclear reactor. As a director, Guggenheim often challenges Gates during the three-part series, but prioritizes how the mogul processes information, and how personal structure translates to global business endeavors. Take a trip inside the mind of Bill Gates as the billionaire opens up about those who influenced him and the audacious goals he's still pursuing. And there's only water to cool it if there's power.". A documentary that tells Bill Gates' life story as he pursues solutions to some of the world's most complex problems. [5], The second episode focuses on Gates' work to eradicate polio in Nigeria and advance polio vaccination, also exploring his youth and friendships, for example with Kent Evans and with Paul Allen, later the Microsoft co-founder.[5]. Gates. His book encourages people to get involved in politics, but, asked . Uranium found at an Iranian nuclear facility was enriched almost to the point where it can be used to make bombs, the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, said. Y ahora, ms de una dcada y media despus, la miniserie documental 'Inside Bill's brain: decoding Bill Gates', producida por Netflix, ha respondido con todo lujo de detalles aquella . Desperate to succeed, Gates recruited Allen and finished the scheduling project, which preceded bigger and better opportunities. Since then, it has remained relatively low-profile. Gates cites the Trump Administration's aggressive stance for having to pull out. The more biographical moments in part three deal with how Bill and Melinda met and married and how Gates handled accusations that hed turned Microsoft into a monopoly. Learn more about our use of cookies and information. The point, apparently, is to replicate Bill Gates thought processes. As someone who is all-in with Apple, refreshing look. 'Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates' is a Netflix docuseries that brings out the life of Bill Gates (I hope he needs no introduction). ", However, the director says, "But the warming planet can't wait 50 years. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, the three-part Netflix documentary details Bill Gates attempts to change the world through new technological innovations, with the primary focuses being global health, polio eradication, and safe/economic nuclear power. Unfortunately, the trade war between China and the United States caused by Donald Trump would halt Bill Gates' plan to work with China. If theres a good book, Im gonna read it, he says. Gates also reveals that he takes a lot of notes while reading Smils work, which informs his approach while seeking a safe and economic way to potentially use nuclear energy for global electricity. Put off by her gloomy demeanor, Sawako has a hard time fitting in but when an outgoing classmate approaches her, life takes a turn for the better. Were inspired by his efforts to improve and build better solutions to fighting climate change. The third episode couldve used some of that emotion. But theres a moment in the series where Guggenheim and Gates talk about the latters periodic think weeks where he goes off the grid with a stack of books and tries to open himself up to new ideas, largely unrelated to his daily work. Bill is improving nuclear reactors by using spent uranium rather than enriched uranium, rendering the energy unusable for nuclear weapons. Billionaire Bill Gates is dedicating his time, money, and his amazing brain to come up with solutions to some of the world's biggest problems. But after establishing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 and later receiving $31 billion from fellow mogul Warren Buffett, hes dedicated his life to healthcare, education, poverty, and the future of planet Earth. Episode 2. It is stated that far fewer people were killed by nuclear reactors than by fossil fuels. Guggenheims approach is frequently frustrating. It's an irrelevant dollar price to pay, shouldered over decades (low yield debt), for the benefits. Nathan Myhrvold,vice chairman of TerraPower, says, "After you take fuel out of a nuclear reactor, it's called spent fuel. Each episode also then takes a look at some of the important initiatives that Bill and his wife Melinda have been working on over the years as part of their organization: water and sanitation in third world countries; polio eradication; clean energy sources - nuclear power. All Rights Reserved, By submitting your email, you agree to our. . The director mentions that nuclear power has caused less than a few thousand deaths in total, whereas coal kills 800,000 people every year. [6], According to The Nation, "The documentarys blind spots are all the more striking in light of the timing of its release, just as news was trickling out that Bill Gates met multiple times with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein." Volvo's EV Trucks VNR Electric at Truck World, 13. TerraPower has great potential to help mankind, and I hope they succeed. Gates also discusses how Allen introduced him to alcohol and Jimi Hendrix, and that they were inseparable over the summer. And unlike the late Steve Jobs his contemporary and occasional rival Gates is rarely discussed in terms of some ineffable mystique. So Bill went looking for options that could work now. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates mostly focuses on the subjects plans for moretechnological innovations. Watch Davis GuggenheimsInside Bills Brain: DecodingBill Gateshere. Yet, hes never been the kind of celebrity whose personal life and political opinions are splashed across the tabloids and social media. Inside Bill's Brain - Part 3 Bill Gates 2.92M subscribers 167K views 3 years ago I spent the last couple years participating in a Netflix docuseries looking at my work and my life. Two years prior, Allen had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and his cancer treatment was effective for nearly a decade. In retrospect, Gates recalls that his scheduling algorithm was all about conflict and optimizing the students movements. From trade to security to environmentalism, the Trump administration has taken an aggressive stance toward the Chinese government. Because of the two big disasters in the minds of the people of course it has a bad rap in minds, but looking forward it is the most realistic source of energy from what we have available right now. (like those developed by the nuclear power company he owns). This limited series is divided into three parts. But when you have this fission reaction, you get radioactive materials. However, I believe that with technological advancements, these forms of alternative energy will become more efficient, cheaper, and safer. In the end, Guggenheim fails to reconcile his competing agendas: to take an up-close and personal look one of this eras most important cultural figures and to tally all the ways Gates is trying to leave a lasting, positive legacy. From Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth, He Named Me Malala).Watch Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates, Only On Netflix: Netflix:Netflix is the world's leading internet entertainment service with over 151 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. NuScale, mostly owned by Fluor Corp.,. / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). By David Grossman Published: Jan 2, 2019. Watch on. He sees nuclear energy, and in particular advanced nuclear, as a key part of the solution. "[4], The first episode explores Gates's interest in improving sanitation in developing countries and the development of the "Omni Processor". So it's. It divulges into Bill's personal life while reverting to the present day, analyzing one of his pet world-saving projects, TerraPower. The search for climate change solutions requires passion, resources and a sense of urgency -- three qualities Bill Gates clearly possesses. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates, reviewed. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (2019): Season 1, Episode 3 - Part 3 - full transcript. In the hands of a deft director like Davis Guggenheim, Netflix's Inside Bill's Brain does more than enough justice to the trajectory of Gates' life following his exit from Microsoft in 2008 and his focus to bring about change through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates shows that its subject is more curious than ever, but also aware that he cant always be right in every situation. Its not a secret that Windows 8 was one of the most hated operating systems in recent time, with all those tiles and all-screen interfaces. However, the director says, "But what if the thing that terrifies us could actually save us? The title of Davis Guggenheims three-part Netflix documentary Inside Bills Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (which debuts on Friday, September 20th) speaks to its subjects opacity. In essence, we all have been affected by the work of Bill Gates. Looking at the name of the documentary and my expectations I would love a more personal story about himself and not the foundation. Part 1 52m Bill Gates speaks about his life-or-death mission to get better sanitation to the developing world. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates TV Mini Series 2019 TV-14 52 m IMDb RATING 7.8 /10 11K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 2:22 2 Videos 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that tells Bill Gates' life story as he pursues solutions to some of the world's most complex problems. As our co-founder and chairman, Bill Gates has taken on some of the worlds most challenging problems. . Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates is a 2019 three-part documentary streaming television series created and directed by Davis Guggenheim. One review in 2019 said "Inside Bills Brain often feels more superficial than it actually is because it switches topics so freely". While diarrheal disease is preventable and treatable, the lack of accessibility to safe . According to company CEO Chris Levesque, speaking to the Wall Street Journal, the price of a demonstration reactor is around $1 billion. You know, it's hundreds of millions of dollars, uh, requires assembling a team of scientists. Bill Gates says that we need innovation across a lot of different areas. This new design greatly reduces the chance of human error and runs on depleted uranium. The billionaire is much more guarded in this set of interviews. The Seattle natives were indeed familiar with Allen (who was two years older), along with Allens classmate Ric Weiland (who later became Microsoft's second employee). Bill Gates Inside Bills Brain. Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Viewers see that he is very passionate and emotional about what he does. Although Im very interested in western culture and Im much more knowledgeable about it than most of my friends and acquaintances it was still shocking to see two of the richest people in the world talking in the car with one of them driving. F150 Lightning | EV Society | Signature Electric, 4. On top of that, it would use depleted uranium, which can't be used for nuclear weapons, instead of enriched uranium. Episode 3 of Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates carries the same weight as the previous chapter. Overall, Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates underlines the fact that Melinda is very much an equal partner., RELATED: The Bundy Tapes: Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc, Melinda Gates is an accomplished businesswoman, a graduate of Duke University. Also, the travelling wave reactor uses nuclear waste (discarded uranium) as fuel. Lion Electric is all-in on electric fleets, 14. A fertility doctor has her values challenged and must confront a ghost from her past when she notices strange behavior from her young daughter. Downloads only available on advert-free plans. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates is a 2019 three-part documentary streaming television series created and directed by Davis Guggenheim. . He's also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to and Fandor. 1. The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters are referenced and demonstrate how Gates hopes to ensure a safe way to address climate change issues. Carbon dioxide released from factories, cars, and the like, is one of the contributors to global warming; hastening natural disasters. Nuclear power has received bad PR over the past decades, but Bill Gates is working hard to change that. "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates," a new three-part documentary on Netflix from Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim, premieres Sept. 20. "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates." . EV Delivery Vehicles with 7Gen and Siemens (Signature Electric), 9. The concept is appealing on several levelsnot only would its small design lower the currently rising price of nuclear energy, it would actually consume the trash pumped out by today's modern reactors. Gate's brain is like a supercomputer on Red Bull . EV trucks and electrified fleets takeover Truck World, 11. Inside Bill's Brain traverses Gates's career, from his early interest in programming to his meteoric success as co-founder and CEO of Microsoft to his transition to co-chair of the world's largest charitable foundation. These cookies do not store any personal information. Bill approaches these issues with the same level of optimism, curiosity and fervor as he did when building Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. If youre solely led by your heart, you may not see the great solution standing in front of you, and I think thats what Bills superpower is. This type of forced engagement ensured that Bill would have the appropriate skills while pursuing his goals as an adult. becomes unsafe if you ever shut the power off. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. What are the biggest reveals from Netflix's Bill Gates documentary? Specifically, hes seemingly found a way to store nuclear waste (uranium) in the ground for up to 125 years, allowing for a Traveling-Wave Reactor to generate nuclear electricity - an inherently safe nuclear power design. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The original Pokmon TCG base set is coming back as a trio of premium decks, MLS opening weekend on Apple TV points to an expensive future for sports streaming, Ted Lasso is extra feel-good in its official season 3 trailer. need to invest in many forms of, Inside Bill's Brain - Decoding Bill Gates, , Copyright 2011-2023 Climate Change Guide, Wikipedia -Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, The Guardian -Nuclear power paves the only viable path forward on climate change. TerraPower is building a sustainable and economic nuclear energy system determined to develop advanced solutions for pressing global needs. 5. The episode demands some fascination with plumbing and a high tolerance for images of fecal matter both in graphic video footage and in the animated illustrations Guggenheim uses throughout the series. However, Gates best friend and primary collaborator as a teenager was Kent Evans. Bill Gates says reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 "will be the hardest thing humanity's ever done", but could potentially be achieved with the use of nuclear power. Having spent most of his adult life (and even some of his teenage years) juggling multiple complicated projects, Gates doesnt have the kind of mind that functions in neat, straight lines. Washington, DC - Today, U.S. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. John Gilleland is the Chief Technical Officer of TerraPower LLC, a company founded by Bill Gates (Chairman), Nathan Myhrvold (Vice Chairman) and Dr. Gilleland in 2008 to focus on achievement of improved nuclear safety, proliferation resistance, energy security and economic power for all countries. It also uses spent fuel that is piling up around America . 'Inside Bill's Brain' Notes - Grew up in a wealthy family - Father was a lawyer and mother was very driven, serving on numerous boards . In the 1970s, he and his high school classmate Paul Allen began making money with their programming skills and started talking about plans to develop software for the burgeoning personal computer market. When Gates was removed from a tech project for essentially being too young, he and Evans were asked by their high school to fix the scheduling system for 400 students. At the end of Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates, a new three-part Netflix documentary about the Microsoft creator, released on Friday, we get a highly questionable reading of American literature.When Bill and Melinda were first dating, she had a green light in her office that she'd put on when he could come by. Bill is improving nuclear reactors by using spent uranium rather than enriched uranium, rendering the energy unusable for nuclear weapons. The director of "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" says that "Bill and his team believed they had finally developed the ideal energy source. the many different forms of alternative energy, including: I am aware that environmentalists do not favour all of these forms of alternative energy. So the hard part of nuclear is to make sure that, no matter what, those nuclear materials are not getting out.". Gates and Allen may have ultimately worked on other high school projects, but Evans tragic death led to the immediateintensification of their relationship, which in turn led to Microsoft's foundation soon thereafter. First off, I knew the guy was intelligent, but I never realized how smart. The Strays A woman's meticulously crafted life of privilege starts to unravel when two strangers show up in her quaint suburban town. When Bill speaks about Melinda, he often gets emotional while contemplating the past and his intense work schedule. Software magnate Bill Gates is one of the most famous people in the world, but the public barely knows him. Gates wife, Melinda, plays a prominent role in Netflixs documentary, and humanizes a man who can sometimes appear slightly arrogant and distant, if only because of his unfathomable wealth. Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates Photos View All Photos Seasons Limited Series 43% 2019, Netflix, 3 episodes , View details Cast & Crew Bill Gates Melinda Gates About Tomatometer A. A grieving woman magically travels through time to 1998, where she meets a man with an uncanny resemblance to her late love. Bill Gates speaks about his life-or-death mission to get better sanitation to the developing world. The documentary talks about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which happened in 2011 (Source). Part two of Guggenheims documentary gets into Gates preternatural drive to succeed, which, in the early years of Microsoft, had him memorizing license plate numbers in the companys parking lot to track who was staying late. I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for climate change. TerraPower is developing a class of nuclear fast reactors called the travelling wave reactor (TWR)" (Source). EV Keycard Access at Backlot Film Studios (Signature Electric), 18. Known for his work as Microsofts CEO and philanthropy work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, his best quality is his genius mind. Gates has been a household name for decades for two reasons: he was the face of Microsoft during an era when the companys products became ubiquitous, and, perhaps more notably, hes very, very rich. But whenever one of those stories starts to build some narrative momentum, the doc skips to another, and then to another, and then back again. Part 3 talks. Guggenheim eschews traditional transitions, and instead jumps from subject to subject, even when theres no clear connection between them. Over the course of nearly three hours, Inside Bills Brain covers the basics of Gates life: his childhood, education, Microsoft stewardship, marriage to his wife Melinda, and the charitable foundation they co-manage. I actually like the way it was portrayed in this TV show. NEXT:What's My Name: The Biggest Reveals From HBO's Muhammad Ali Documentary. WhileMicrosofts co-founders did indeed reunite over the phone, they didnt see each other in person during Allens last days. The Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill will use a model known as the Regulated Asset Base ( RAB) to fund future nuclear power stations in Britain - a tried and tested method that successfully. HomepageRecent ArticlesAbout MeAbout This SiteSitemaP SUPPORT OUR WORK, Terms and ConditionsPrivacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal StuffSURVEYPresentationsArticles from VisitorsT-Shirts, ByLaurent Cousineau, Copyright 2011-2023 Climate Change Guide, vice chairman of TerraPower, says, "After you take fuel out of a nuclear reactor, it's called spent fuel. Every year, Bill Gates get break for one week from outside world for reading and thinking since 1990's. It . He hasn't changed his mind on the science . Bill Gates read a lot of books on energy, including "Energy and Civilization" by Vaclav Smil. "You will move in the direction of the people that you associate with. Inside Bill's Brain first focuses on Gate's efforts to absolve the prevalence of diarrheal disease, which is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old worldwide, killing around 525,000 children in this age range each year. is based on a design from the late 1940's. Most modern nuclear power plants in existence in the US at the present time represent 1960's designs and 1970's implementation. There are no definitive answers to the problems that Gates wants to solve, but we come away from Inside Bill's Brain admiring his efforts as well as his intelligence, and appreciating the. The plant will cost about $4 . ", He explains, "When a neutron is shot into an atom, it creates a chain reaction and a massive amount of heat. He adds that "problems with todays reactors, such as the risk of accidents, can be solved through innovation.". A programmer's brain (i.e., Bill's) knows that if you get the code right . Shop Premieres Newsletters Lists Search Premieres Newsletters Lists Search. Interestingly, Gates acknowledges the criticism that technology cant necessarily solve everything. Thats my hammer, he says, lots of problems look like nails., Gates wife, Melinda, plays a major role in Netflix's documentary. For more on clean energy for a healthier environment, be sure to stay subscribed to The Electric Blog! Much of this documentary is about his charity work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, not about his life, personality, or beliefs. He also made Waiting for Superman about the flaws in the American public school system, and He Named Me Malala about Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel-winning Pakistani advocate for womens rights. Netflix series 'Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates' avoids probing too much providing little insight as to who the Microsoft founder really is 06 October 2019 - 00:00 By tymon smith polio eradication and nuclear power and then switches back . Scientists would agree that nuclear power has caused less than a few thousand deaths total. A portrait emerges of a visionary who gnaws on his eyeglasses' arms, downs Cokes and is relentlessly optimistic that technology can solve social ills. Also the amount of reading is astonishing and those are not thin novels or bullshit leadership books. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This is an interesting and timely 3 parter launched on Netflix September 20th, 2019. Ive recently got a new OLED TV and wanted to see something in 4K, so I started with Netflix and the first thing that popped out was this three part documentary about Bill Gates. Furthermore, most modern nuclear power plants in existence in the United States represent 1960s designs and 1970s implementation. ", The director says, "And that heating is changing the world before our eyes.". This design is known as the travelling wave reactor, and it functions like a slow-burning candle and requires refuelling only once every decade.