Dip HIT training w/deads can be brutal, squats are equally brutal. My initial contact with Rodale occurred 5 years ago when Ken Hutchins introduced me to a Bill Stump, an editor from Mens Health (a Rodale magazine), who was in Orlando interviewing Ken. Many years ago, the entire bodybuilding world watched Mike Mentzer grow very large. During the 10 years that Ken worked at Nautilus, he and I were involved in four major strength-training and fat-loss projects, as well as dozens of Nautilus-related seminars and workshops. Ray would subsequently go on to become a legend in the bodybuilding world with his vascular 20+ inch arms and then-unimaginable weight of 275 pounds. When Ray had the Muscle Mill in Redondo Beach, there was a guy named Ross who worked for Universal Studio as a stage manan experienced machinist. Ray Mentzer Stats I noticed that Cooper was being very animated and seemed to be expressing himself well. Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Workout Is One of the Hottest Topic in Bodybuilding. Has a great fear of ocean swimming because he doesn't "want to become filet mignon for some shark!". Home BLOG Products Online Courses Videos About Support Search. Make no mistake here. In mid-February 1971, Jones noted that Casey was down to 205 pounds and was smoother than hes been since he moved to Florida. Casey trained himself (with a few others sometimes helping) for 6 of the 10 months. Seriously, I know that most people will have great difficulty even locating a knowledgeable trainer, much less ever getting a personal training session from Arthur Jones. Darden says that isotonic work provides more work for the cardiorespiratory system, but in my experience isometric work can also be very taxing. Leg ext - 1 x 16 reps Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training. Jones had an interest in producing how-to videos on many aspects of sports medicine. Photography: To illustrate the history, I also have more than a hundred photographs from the 1970s that are placed throughout the text. (Creamy and Flavorful), Who is Luna Blaise? Calf raise - 1 x 12 reps Again, he was judged an easy winner. Forced negs had the same effect. Some people accuse him of writing the same book over and over, with just a different twist to the training method, or geared towards a different audience. The results in his book, The New HIT, used slow rep training with great results any reason why you passed on asking these questions? Stiff-legged Deadlift Drew Baye: How about a little word, or phrase association test that relates to the bodybuilders youve trained or seen? He prided himself in being able to keep a straight face, which threw you off, until you figured out his style. Something similar to a lesser degree also happened to just about everyone who was trained by Jones. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. 1979 AAU Mr. America. But with Viator, Sergio Oliva, Boyer Coe, and the other athletes I watched him train, a small amount of cheating was acceptable. Viator more than doubled Hudlows rate of growth. For the first time in years, Im actually very psyched about my training again. Let me explain. Delts, Biceps & Triceps. At the planned 10-minute mark, I walked over. Im grateful that Ive spent as much time as I have with both Jones and Hutchins. Perform the exercises in this routine back-to-back, except where a rest is indicated. If Mike would have won the Olympia, the world of professional bodybuilding might now be significantly different. Rest 2 to 3 minutes Here's what he would have for lunch: Hutchins was a beginner and I had been training seriously for a number of years. Drew Baye: Shoot straight with us. Olivas arms were round like a couple of bowling balls and Viators were massive and rock hard. Mike and Ray are the only two brothers in history to both win the Mr. America contest. No one could motivate Casey the way Arthur could. I think back then they relied on blood,sweat,tears more than juice,which sadly . the routines of Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates are really the only ones I can recommend to trainees with a straight face. Tag: Ray Mentzer. The #1 Source For Oldtime Strongman Training Secrets. Drew Baye: Thanks, thats a fascinating story. And his size increase is all the more impressive for having been accomplished while getting leaner. Day One Known for his feats at the 1978 IFBB Mr. USA and 1979's, Ray was a sight to be seen during his prime. Undergrip row Ellington Darden: Arnold had a great peak on his right arm. Concerning frequency, I believe the results from the vast majority of the once-a-week training could be improved with the addition of one not-to-failure (NTF) session each week. I met Mike seven years ago in Gold's Gym in Venice, when I was one of his numerous in-gym clients. And it can still be accomplished without drugs today. In this interview the author of the best-selling Nautilus book series retraces his early training days with Arthur Jones and Casey Viator and talks about some of the golden-age bodybuilders who inspired him. The reason his workouts were referred to as HIT (High-Intensity Training). We remain great friends and I try to see him once a month. Since then, hed regretted not speaking up. Life is too short to be small. He was thoroughly worn out and his muscles were primed for rest by the 45-minute mark. It is thus very interesting to see Mentzer putting his own heavy duty training program in action. But Ive never had the chance to train him, or train with him. We bid him good night and invited him to visit us the next day at the Nautilus headquarters, if time allowed. He started competing at the age of 18 in local contests. Rest 1 minute Conroes head football coach, W. T. Stapler, who had been there for 10 years, told me that Hutchins bench-pressed 50 pounds more and dealifted 100 pounds more than the strongest guys on the team. Hi Drew, I was just reading that interview, Ive bought his book,hoping there would be something new, but have found that he was just vomiting what arthur jones did and said. Thanks to Lou Schuler, who did a superb job with editing my words, and Carol Angstadt, who made the format and illustrations pop with excitement, The New High-Intensity Training is going to be, in my opinion, my best book yet. I know a lot of people believe that adding that much muscle so quickly is impossible. For more than ten years, Mentzer's Heavy Duty program involved 7-9 sets per workout on a three day-per-week schedule.With the advent of "modern bodybuilding" (where bodybuilders became more massive than ever before) by the early 1990s, he ultimately modified that routine until there were fewer working sets, and more days of rest. Doing low reps with a big weight was one of Rays main training tenets. Assuming you understand the meaning of deep commitment and very hard work, that routine will guide you to significant gains. He built a super, heavy duty hydraulic with a control that a training partner could operate. Actually, the personal-training part was much less than that. Ellington Darden: The first thing that pops into my mind happened in Atlanta, Georgia, one night in February 1980. Ellington Darden: Lou Schuler, who was recently appointed editor of Rodales newest magazine called, Mens Health MUSCLE, asked me the same question a while back. Cooper, answering a question, knocked strength training. Use about half the weight (50 percent) that youd normally use. Bench press - 1 x 8 reps With one leg.. For those recommendations to come close to producing maximum results, the trainee would have to extremely big, strong, and advanced. Leg Extension HIT workouts for days afterwards. I figure that one set of this will hit all fibre-types; I often have vicious recovery-pains following this protocol. Furthermore, he bench-pressed and deadlifted significantly more weight in 1970 than I did in 1962. Ellington Darden: Actually, I understated the time period. Body Building Links. It was a combination of factors that made Yates so huge I figure. Squat Born: Weight: 220 lbs. He had the knack of saying or doing whatever was necessary to get the desired response, which in most cases was more repetitions. Of course, in the long run, youre going to need large amounts of both. In 1970, when Hutchins graduated, the high school was five times larger and Ken was the strongest male in school. Is there anything Im missing here? That reinforced to me that the weight gain was added muscle and not just water brought about from the creatine loading. High Intensity Training Versus High Volume Training. Proper strength training, we felt, was more than an adequate way to work the muscles and heart. Isometric training can be very effective when done correctly, however it appears strength improvements may be limited to the position or range of motion trained, so it may not be ideal when performed exclusively. She was intending to do a series of instructional videotapes and wanted to check out the studios in Lake Helen. Ray quickly surpassed the 250 lb weight threshold thanks to an excessive intake of calories. Once you had experienced Joness brutally hard workouts, it was difficult to duplicate them on your own. Besides training Viator over the next year, Jones would make sure he entered all the national bodybuilding contests. Workouts one and three are the ones that stress your largest muscle masses in the upper and lower body, with the first emphasizing the legs, while the torso is hammered in the third. I was a bit worried. Mike Mentzer was focused on High Intensity, Low Volume training, capitalizing on a six to nine rep range. Drew Baye: When Nautilus hired you, did Ken visit you in Florida? Of all the champions Ive known and trained with I probably get the most questions about Mike Mentzer and his brother Ray. His greatest asset was his physical strength. At a powerful 5'4", Franco was able to deadlift 750 pounds, bench press 525 pounds, and squat 655 pounds. When an intermediate or advanced bodybuilder finds himself on a plateau, he is wise to consider cutting back on workout volume, while reasserting his commitment to a high intensity of effort. At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . Olivas arms, from any angle or position, both relaxed and contracted, were absolutely HUGE. He was at rep 15 and Arthur walked into the gym with a couple of people. I read all the bodybuilding magazines from 1959 until 1972, and I never came across anything remotely similar to the emphasis and guidelines Jones placed on lowering a heavy weight. Ellington Darden: I certainly think timed static contractions have value. Didnt Jones measure and compare all of their arms? Casey could make his biceps, in a series of three distinct contractions, grow more massive as he moved his forearm closer to his shoulder. There was talk of the unusual arms on the boy (Mentzer) as good, some said as Viator's arms. I can now see why! Ray made at least one appearance at the Ephrata Rec Center, signing autographs for fans. Drew Baye: Whats your opinion of Hutchinss SuperSlow? The plain truth is that hundreds of thousands of men throughout the middle of the last century strengthened and built their bodies without drugs. Ray neglected to tell Martina that there were dangerous crocodiles inside. He registered no weight gain during days 12, 13, and 14, so I just called it two weeks to keep it in line with the other two-week plans in the book. I think that the duration and intensity of effort are the main factors, not the range of motion. Anyway, review chapter 16 to find out all the how-tos. With each contest, his proportions swelled, and fans stated at every "heavy duty" photograph they could find in the magazines. Doesn't he realize I plan to win Mr. America next year looking like Larry Scott? Drugs, hormone injections, implants, and who knows what else, have destroyed professional bodybuilding today. Annabel DaSilva Workout Routine, Diet Plan, Exercise, Body Measurements, Who is Josh Dallas? If on Monday, for example, you performed 200 pounds for 10 repetitions on the bench press with a barbell, then on Wednesday, you still take 200 pounds, but you stop the set after repetition 8. Ellington Darden: Mike moved to Lake Helen, Florida, in 1983 and worked for Nautilus approximately 6 months. There were several times when he appeared to be interested, but it quickly faded. Barbell CurlStage reps Having trained on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty 1 Routine (find that book on Mike's site as well) for 2 years before losing my mind and training on the more popular 3 day on/one day off routine for 5 or 6 years, it was a blessing to get back to the lower volume and ultra-high intensity type of routine*** My Cellar-Dweller Experience With The New HIT, youll have the next-best thing to thing to being personally trained by Arthur Jones. . Then again on things like squats they trained more traditional (but of course very heavy). Compared to full-range exercise, Id have to say that full-range exercise given that youre dealing with healthy trainees would supply many more benefits. What happened? It works. The downward spiral began at this point. Wrist Curl, Day Two (No commercial intended, but the book will truly help.). He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. Remember, this was on an advanced bodybuilder, the hardest specimen to realize real muscle growth because of being so close to his genetic potential. Incline dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 2. Roy Hilligen (51) impressed me with his overall muscle density combined with extreme definition. 06-08-2013, 11:15 AM Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. Net Worth, Partner, Biography, Who is Paris Berelc? When I went to Baylor University in 1962, there was a guy on the football team named Bobby Crenshaw. What would a split routine do for his calves, abs and arms, which he feels need three workouts in a week? A similar result occurred when Arthur Jones put Ray on an eight-exercise, one-set-to-failure (drop sets being considered one set) exercise program in 1983. Chest & Back. Remember, this was on an advanced bodybuilder, the hardest specimen to realize real muscle growth because of being so close to his genetic potential. Learning logic and acquiring the ability to think critically is not easy, though not impossibly difficult. After working with McCutcheon for week, I knew hed be ideal to use for The New High-Intensity Training. On June 12th, in York, Pennsylvania, at the 1971 Mr. America, Casey weighed 218 pounds and displayed his dominance by winning the main title and five of the six subdivisions . Joe Mullen, a former Nautilus club owner, recently told me that he saw Ray go through a HIT workout in 1999. Ellington Darden: I like SuperSlow. That year he also took part in AAU Mr. America and placed at 10th. There is this rumour going on that Ray had squatted as much as 900 pounds, with Darden confirming Ray could almost certainly handle 700 odd pounds in powerlifter form. There is nothing wrong with repeating things other people have said if those things are right, if you give credit where credit is due, and if you are adding value to it or making it accessible or understandable to a new group, and Ell accomplishes all of these with his books. He died in 2001 from heart complications. A little known fact is that Arthur Jones went through the same training program in Colorado as Casey, with one exception: He did no lower-body exercise. As you can see, my book is distinct from the others. I choose to remember the drug-free bodybuilders who influenced me when I was growing up. 1-2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Close Grip or Neutral Grip Pulldown. So long as full effort can be engendered, 100% of strength and endurance capabilities can be exhausted with isometric exercise. But Mike was unreceptive. Posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 by John Wood. Ive never taken Drews writings, comments as disdain for slow rep training. Stay focused and keep the tension and the movement smooth and slow. He always trained alone, after finishing his day job. One deals with a follow-up to my 1995 book, Living Longer Stronger, which was written for men between the ages of 40 and 60. I first noticed McCutcheon six years ago, when close-ups of his arms and torso were featured on the award-winning Bowflex commercial. About 75 of my old friends were there and we had a great time reliving the good old days. One of the highlights was a film that Terry Todd, of the University of Texas, had assembled that showed black-and-white movie clips from the AAU Mr. America contests, 1940 through 1954. Is that correct? Whole-body routines: To quote Arthur Jones, Split routines make about as much sense as sleeping with one eye open. Each routine in the new HIT features at least some exercise for both your upper body and lower body. Drew Baye: When Jones trained someone, was he a stickler for form? Ive experimented with all styles of leg presses and this one is the hardest of all. Pull downs - 1 x 8 reps Today, I live approximately 25 miles from Ken. The legacy he left to those in the Iron Game is his controversial workout program, Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty. The website's content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. I think that a little articulateness goes a long way here; the standard is way above that of the average muscle-mag and the result is a more penetrating Q&A that the reader can draw useful conclusions from Darden expresses himself well. Ray Mentzer's Mr. America Pec Routine Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. Ray was able to develop his body significantly during this time. . If you have ever made a new year fitness resolution as a bodybuilder, you can attest that keeping your new years Hormones are chemical substances released by glands in the body to regulate various functions. If you can accomplish 4 repetitions with this weight in 120 seconds, youll be ready to add the two pre-exhaustion exercises before you do the leg press. I'd better leave this nut to the pipestem, get-in-shape, "muscle tone" crowd Well, before you click to another article, let me say that this routine isn't hypothetical. He quickly competed in and won the Junior Mr. America and IFBB Mr. America competitions. Increase The Bar, (Workout) Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. When Jones asked him to flex his arm, his forearm mass seemed to jettison his biceps into a much higher than anticipated mound of muscle. . Instead, he announced that combating successfully what was on the interior was the final test of a Nautilus obstacle course, and let her enter ahead of him. And strength training was a lot safer than the most popular aerobic activities, such as jogging and aerobic dancing, which were the latest crazes. And when you actually train with high-intensity, you don't need a lot of volume," Arthur Jones said. All of us should strive to win back those previous HIT believers. Also make sure to increase the weight in a particular exercise whenever possible. . Squat Leg curl - 1 x 16 reps Furthermore, he was generally thought of as being anti-strength training, anti-HIT, and anti-Nautilus. Net Worth, Partner, Biography, The Untold Story of Ice-Ts 44-Year-Old Daughter Letesha Marrow. Sometimes, being unable to express yourself can produce an unexpected benefit. This effect is only partially due to metabolic stimulus. We can thank Arthur Jones for that. Sorry for the humungous post Drew; hope it is useful. "For a while Mike and I strayed from our high intensity, heavy poundage workouts into a program using lighter weights and higher reps. How do you get a physique like Chris Evans? It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Ellington Darden: When I joined Arthur Jones and Nautilus in 1973, it wasnt long before Hutchins drove to Florida to see for himself what was happening. Thank you for your reply; I appreciate that this is stuff yet to be fully resolved by science but for me your considered opinion nevertheless carries weight. When Ken started high school he became a friend to one of my Conroe classmates, Philip Alexander, who was in medical school in Houston. 2022 Sugar Zam. After some small talk, he was going to ask him bluntly to define exercise. First, you need to have access to an efficient leg-press machine, one that you can adjust by moving the seat forward to prevent you from locking the knees. Shoulder presses, declines, inclines, pull-downs, curls, etc. Mentzer would spend hours in the gym every day when he began training. Family, Partner, Biography, How To Make Pico De Gallo? Created by, Ray Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements, - Rate us if you are a Food Lover (Sugarzam.com). With Mike and Ray Mentzer's tragic deaths, our visitors would like to know about last days of the legendary brothers. Mike Mentzer's brother, Ray, put three-eights on an inch on his presumably larger upper arm in six weeks, performing no more direct arm work that chins and dips. And yet, Ellington Darden, Ken Leistner and Peary Rader have watched hundreds of men and women gain real muscle that was impossible for them to build before training harder and briefer. Stage Reps - Here you have a way in which to work around both the sticking points in an exercise and the lockout. Important, you must have a clock or a watch with a second hand that you can place in plain sight. Chin Ive heard Hutchins blast Coopers philosophy, but I never knew he had an influence on the Aerobics Center in Dallas purchasing Nautilus. Mike Mentzer High Intensity Training Full Body Workout | 3 Day Split Routine HIT Bearer 2.81K subscribers Subscribe 297 7.7K views 4 months ago #mikementzer #bodybuilding #2022 In this. Pay particular attention to the bottom turnaround. Calf Raise Breakdown (two drops) Is there a study you can cite on this? To this day, Im a firm believer in strength training the neck, for both athletes and nonathletes. In a local physique contest, however, Hutchins would have been pressed to finish in the top 10 (just kidding, Ken). I told Ken that compartmentalizing exercise and recreation was on-target and I thought his new concept was going to help our cause. Mike was exercising six days a week in the gym, typically for up to three hours at a time, when he started his four years of service in the US air . Today, he weighs a lean 220 pounds and has muscular forearms, thick wrists, and a vise-like grip. Work out no more than three days per week. "A LOOK AT HIGH INTENSITY BODYBUILDING" is a professionally made film featuring the legendary MIKE MENTZER, one of bodybuilding's most massive physique champions and world renowned expert and teacher of HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING. A situation of increase and decline Less than 48 hours after Mikes passing, he passed away, leaving the bodybuilding community in complete darkness. Drew Baye: That 18-1/2 pounds of muscle built by David Hudlow in two weeks seems almost too good to be true. Another option if someone wants to train more frequently is to follow a split routine. He was found dead in his apartment, due to heart complications, by his younger brother and fellow bodybuilder Ray Mentzer. McCutcheon placed high in a few contests in Great Britain and relocated in 1992 to Portland, Oregon, where he became an engineer for Novellus Systems. Bodybuilding Titles Won Family, Partner, Biography, How to make Garlic Dressing? Ray had no choice but to have a replacement kidney due to the severity of the illness. Interesting to see the split: Day 1. Mentzer won the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia titles with perfect 300 scores in 1978 and 1979, respectively. Who is he? Platz sets seemed to last forever and be more painful whereas Mike and Rays sets were shorter with lower reps. Ray really liked stutter reps where as Mike liked rest pause reps. Much of it depended on where they were training, who they were training with and what equipment was available to them. There we were: Ken Hutchins and Ellington Darden kneeling at the feet of Dr. Kenneth Cooper, while he lectured to us on aerobic exercise. Who is Paul Johansson? . (Delicious, Fresh, and Simple to make), Who is Michael Deluise? Here is Mike Mentzer's chest routine: 1. Pulldown Behind Neck He played defensive tackle and was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 230 pounds. Drew Baye: In your book, you also mention Mikes younger brother Ray. Ray had become a full-time competitor by the age of 23. Ellington Darden: Yes he was. After Ray retired from completion he continued to workout with his high intensity training approach he called "Intensity For Immensity" and reached a peak body weight of 270 pounds in fairly lean condition. In actuality, Rays diet was largely composed of carbohydrates. My reasoning is that a younger body can handle cheating much better than an older body, so as you get older, youd be wise to focus more on form than intensity. Family, Partner, Biography, Easy easy to make Popcorn Shrimp (Perfectly Tender and Crispy), Who is Tiya Sircar? Lateral Raise